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- Descriptive Recipe Title: The first word should always be the common name because that is the best way to search for the recipe. Following the common name, you should include descriptive terms of the product; such as, canned, frozen, etc. The title can also include portion size or meal component contribution, especially if multiple portions are used in menus.
Best Practice: Cheesy Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes ( 1 piece = 1/4c R/O)
- Ingredient List: Every ingredient used in this recipe should be listed, including spices and ingredients that do not contribute to meal components.
Best Practice: Include chives, sour cream, salt and pepper in appropriate measurements.
- Serving Size and Measure: This is the portion you would tell the staff to serve. Serving size is the number to describe the amount, and serving measure is the word to describe a portion. This word should be as specific as possible and still make sense to the servers.
Best Practice: 1 Each. This specifies that a single serving is 1 potato and clarifies it more than “1 piece.”
- Nutrients: Confirm nutrients are accurate for the product portion. Calories, trans-fat, saturated fat and sodium are required nutrients.
Best Practice: All ingredient nutrients are included in nutrient analysis, including salt, pepper, chive and sour cream.
- Preparation Instructions: The HACCP process must be identified (can choose between 3). Clear preparation instructions are also needed for the staff. Be sure to breakdown portion sizes of each ingredient in the instructions as this will help your staff to prepare the recipe precisely. Include critical control points and corrective action steps.
Best Practice: See Recipe Below
- Meal Components: This section of the recipe determines your menu compliance. Be sure to be as specific as possible when using vegetable subgroups. Ensure you can support the meal component amount by using the USDA Food Buying Guide.
Best Practice: 0.25 Cups Of Red/Orange
- Allergens: Enter each allergen from ingredients listed by manufacturer. While not required, this is becoming crucial information for accommodating special diets.
Best Practice: Milk