My School Menus Mobile App

Mobile App for Parents and Students

Save Time

With no added time on your end, you can effortlessly publish your menus to My School Menus Mobile App so students and parents can access menus instantly.

Save Money

Health-e Pro menu publishing and the mobile app work together seamlessly, rather than needing separate, disparate pieces of software that increase costs.

Menu Visibility

Allow parents and students to see exactly what’s being served at their school and offer build-a-meal nutrient calculations and allergen-filtering capabilities.

Provide anytime, anywhere access for parents and students with the My School Menus Mobile App. Designed with parents and students in mind, My School Menus Mobile App allows menus to be viewed quickly and easily–even offering build-a-meal with just a few taps on the screen. The app pulls in data from Health-e Meal Planner and My School Menus so all the data, menus, and nutrient information is available for parents and students to view–even for parents with kids at different schools in the district.


Allergen filtering

Allow parents and students to quickly and easily filter allergens with the click of a button.


Language translation

Translate your menu into more than 100 languages to accommodate all students at your school.



Select menu items to view total nutrition information, calculated by the software, to monitor macro and micronutrients.



Reach your customers on a whole new level with online menus that are interactive, accessible, and easy to use.


Attribute listing

View popular attributes for menu items: vegetarian, locally grown, gluten-free, organic, etc.


Ingredient information

Detail ingredient information so parents and students can take the guesswork out of what’s in their food.

That was easy.

Planning and publishing your menus has never been so easy. Now, let’s take a look at how easy it is to display your menu items on digital menu boards!

Book A Demo

Fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you shortly to schedule a time to view a demo of our software.