Manufacturer Marketplace

Available For Manufacturers

• Product information in the hands of menu planners at the moment they are planning menus

• Manufacturer Marketplace is free and easy to join

• Data syncs with Health-e Pro to ensure all documentation is uploaded

• Your full product line shown, including product documentation

• Saves your customer time and money when planning menus, while allowing them to stay compliant and making the whole planning process easier

Included For Districts

• Product Spec Sheets, Product Formulation Sheets, and/or CN Labels housed within the password-protected software

• Two clicks makes all Administrative Review documents stored within software available

• Menu planners can easily put your ingredients into their recipes and menus

• Simple ingredient sorting for attributes, allergens, nutrients, and meal components

“The Manufacturer Marketplace is so beneficial. I couldn’t have begun to be successful without Health-e Pro.”

Kathy McKibben-Manuel

Tacoma School District

About Health-e Pro / Manufacturer Marketplace

Health-e Pro is a USDA-approved, menu planning and nutrient analysis software for the K-12 schools. Our customers include Public and Private School Districts, Charter Schools, Food Service Management Companies, Consultants, and many other menu planning agencies.

You can join Health-e Pro’s Manufacturer Marketplace quickly and at no cost.

What's Required?

Step 1

Become a data trading partner through GDSN.

Step 2

Publish data including spec sheets, formulation statements, and CN labels.

Step 3

We’ll set up a FREE storefront for your products.

Value Added Services

Data Setup

Not in the GDSN?  We can set up products for you.


Feature recipes using your products.


We’ll set up a compliant menu using your products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the GDSN?
The Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) enables trading partners to globally share trusted product data. You can exchange product information with business partners in an automatic and efficient way that ensures brand integrity.

For more information, visit

What is a Trading Partner?
A trading partner is an approved recipient of your GDSN data. Trading partners must be designated by you before any information can be shared.
Where can I find the Trading Partner information?

All of the information can be found here

Click here for our Trading Partner form.

Who will be able to access my product information?
All Health-e Pro software subscribers will have direct access to your product information. Our subscribers include Public School Districts, Charter Schools, Food Service Management Companies, Consultants, and other related menu planning agencies.
How many customers does Health-e Pro serve?
We are currently providing software to more than 4000 schools in 31 states. Our reach expands every month.
What information do I need to provide?
In addition to the information provided on a typical spec sheet, menu planners require a signed/dated product formulation sheet, full product specs and/or CN label documentation. This information can be provided in PDF documents or preferably, through the GDSN. A full list of fields can be supplied upon request.
Can you import our product data using a CSV file?
Yes however, it is a one time import of data. Future updates will need to be done manually or through the GDSN. Additional fees may apply for this service.
What will my company receive once we publish data?
All manufacturers receive a virtual storefront in our Manufacturer Marketplace where all products can be accessed. The storefront includes your logo, a marketing description and contact information.

Company Information